Living Life with iRobot Roomba

Living Life with iRobot Roomba



I’ve always wanted a Roomba in my life. I am still waiting for my new house to be ready but there was definitely one thing I was sure I wanted even before setting foot in it: having this little robot cleaning for me! 
It is life-changing, I can promise you that! 
The one I have and that you can see in pictures is the latest of the family, the newest Roomba 966 you can find it here:

This robot is so incredibly smart and powerful. It has a built-in battery that lasts up to 75 minutes (then automatically recharges and resumes cleaning to complete the entire job) and Cliff-detection sensors which allows Roomba to avoid stairs or any other dangerous drops. 

And it is definitely perfect for any pets lover… like me! I seriously LOVE my cat and dog, I DO! (and as you might know I am planning on getting another little cat when I will be settled in my new home) but let’s be honest, they do leave a handful of hair wherever they go, and let’s be honest again: who has THE TIME to always be cleaning after them?
The iRobot HOME App lets you clean and schedule conveniently – anytime, anywhere. 
So wether you are home or not, you can activate your Roomba and make sure your house is on point, ready for your friends to come over for dinner or for you to relax on the couch with your furry friends.

Also, speaking of furry friends, My goal wile taking these pictures was to have my cat go on the Roomba like tons of videos you might have seen on the web, but she was actually too scared to begin with. Hopefully she can get some confidence with it and I will keep you posted hahaha Meanwhile you have to see the videos I was referring to because they are too funny!

and these babies?!?!